The saga continues. The last post I did stated that the oven would be delivered yesterday….well, it didn’t get delivered. On Wednesday I called to double check on the oven delivery and XPO informed me that they have not received the trailer with the oven on it. They gave me the number of the shipping location in Los Angeles. I called them and they checked and said the trailer arrived in Greencastle, PA on July 5th. They gave me the Greencastle, PA phone number. I called Greencastle XPO and told them that Los Angeles said the trailer arrived in Greencastle on July 5th. They sent someone out to the yard and came back and said the trailer has not arrived yet. So I called Portsmouth VA XPO back and let them know the trailer appears to be lost somewhere between Los Angeles and Greencastle PA. We cancelled the delivery for yesterday and they told me they would call when the trailer showed up. So I called and cancelled the forklift and while on the phone, I found out that they didn’t have 72″ forks and couldn’t get them. So I was back to square one with no forklift. I decided to just relax and wait for them to call when the oven arrived in Portsmouth, VA – then I would worry about the forklift.
Since I hadn’t heard anything from them I decided to check the tracking website this morning to see if it had been updated. To my surprise, it showed that the oven arrived in Portsmouth, VA this morning at 7:15. I figured they would be calling sometime today so I decided to begin the search for the forklift.
I called United Rentals and asked if I could get a rough terrain forklift for Wednesday the 14th. She checked and let me know that they did not have any rough terrain forklifts but she would check for telehandlers. I nervously waited and heard “we have a 6,000 pound telehandler available for the 14th!” What a great feeling! Then she said she would have to check with the local branch to see if they can get the 72″ forks on it by the 14th – instant nervous again.
A few minutes later she came back on the line and said everything was good to go! The forklift with 72″ forks will be delivered on Wednesday the 14th at 7:30 am. What a relief! I am now half way there.
The telehandler reach forklift is more expensive that the off-road forklift. But at this point I really don’t care. I am happy I have a way to receive the oven and get it on the stand. The telehandler forklift will make getting the oven placed on the stand so much easier. So in the long run, this might be a blessing. New total cost for the telehandler reach forklift, 72″ forks, delivery, pick up, taxes and fees – $932.64.
About 30 minutes later XPO Portsmouth called and said the delivery from Forno Bravo is in Portsmouth and can be delivered Monday. So, I asked if it could be Wednesday the 14th since I have the forklift for that day. I was told “sure, no problem”! So we are scheduled for July 14th between 8 and 5pm. I will get the ice on Tuesday evening and be ready for the big day on Wednesday!
So, everything seems to have come together and the forklift with 72″ forks and the oven will be delivered Wednesday, July 14th. I sure hope this was the most difficult part of the receiving and setting up process!
More to follow!